It's Not Nag, It's Just Me

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Time for another blue pill

On the 7th day of my suppposedly home quarantine, I decided to make a prison break. Staying home all alone facing the four to five walls for 5-6 consecutive days can be really suicidal. Not to talk about the same dishes morning, noon and nite that I began to find myself living in a self-made prison. The only difference being I have the luxury of TV, DVD and internet access.

What i've learnt over the past few days confining myself was that one could actually developed cravings. And not that i'm eating little food but I just have this hunger attack almost every hour, craving for ice-cream, snacks, chocolates, coffee, fruits....or is that the fact that i've devoided myself of eggs, soya sauce, chicken, fish, seafood for the past couple of days?

And the constant check on the time to prepare for lunch, dinner to ensure i'm taking my blue and pink pills on a consistent interval is really stressful.

so here i am, making an escape from my own my favorite hangout place. And a week of not going out is really like a month of not going out with all the changes happening outside.

For example, tons of new CDs was released without my knowledge which I ended up buying a few.

Oh...and on the 7th day, i'm taking more drugs than I'm taking during my first few days. The remaining of the blue pill, the daily pink pill, the of white pill and two new small pink pills after the doctor claimed i'm officially infected. Or was this just the way doctor are trying to make more money?


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