It's Not Nag, It's Just Me

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

This disease called LAZY

I have no idea why but I think I’m catching this disease called LAZY. With no actual job but just proposal and meeting clients for briefing, December so far was a breeze. Furthermore with last week being a short working week (Tuesday was a holiday, Friday was my company's D&D and last Monday being a holiday, I have not been putting effort in doing anything (both my work and blogging) except shopping for my perfume, the presents for my sub-ordinates, watching Will & Grace Season 4 and attending my Combat class.

So here I am, finding it a challenge to use my brain to develop some dummy charts for the client. Also because I have no experience with this Panel monitoring, hence I totally find no mood and motivation to work at all.

I normally will get sleepy by 3pm but today, I’m already feeling sleepy at 11am. Or was it because I have not been sleeping well over the past few days? Well, I have been sleeping on the couch again yesterday while trying to stay awake to catch the final episode of Amazing Race.

It’s 5pm. One more hour to go. All I am thinking of now is a need to lie down on the bed and sleep, not doing anything but sleep or perhaps have someone giving me a nice back massage. Then to wake up a few hours later for dinner, which would already be nicely prepared.

And Clay Aiken’s CD is not making this easier. So not motivating!!!


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