Can someone get me a Jamie Olivier?
It's already middle of August...most of the quarterly reports and monthly topline reports had been completed. After days of continuous looking at those dairy beverages charts and data, I kinda get the feeling of 'muak'. From those UHTs to the Hi-Calciums, to those bloody kids UHT, then turning myself to those variations of yoghurts (why kind we just have plain cup yoghurt) and then ending with those condensed milk, creamer and evaporated milk.

As if i've just consumed all those products in the past few days...that have to be nutritious yet fattening! Just like my nephew here (sorry about the masking...have to!). Well this weekend will be snacks time. Another tedious report which i would need to get myself familiar with since this is a tough category (chips, crackers) for me as I've distance myself from it for a while (well as least the one pack a month quota still stand). It's really fattening, kay!
Anyway, with such tight schedule, I'm getting clueless of what to eat or cook for my dinner. I can't continue eating outside as it is quite expensive (than cooking myself). Furthermore, I can't think of anything new to cook and make dinner more interesting. My last few dishes has been meshes of stuff...chicken meat with tomato plus those mixed peas,corns, carrots into the pan. Anything i could find in my fridge, just take some of everything and meshes it up! Can be tasty but I'm getting so chef's block. Now i can feel the pressure my mom felt almost daily...and i do apologize for not helping her to think of the dishes to cook whenever she asked (that's because she always asked me right after my meal...I cannot think when I'm fulled).
Cook book? Nah..there are for those rich housewives with well-prepared kitchen. I'm living alone, with just a microwave, a frying pan. I'm not going to spend my time to find those difficult ingredients and remember how i failed miserably with my salmon? Can someone please get me a Jamie Olivier?!!!

As if i've just consumed all those products in the past few days...that have to be nutritious yet fattening! Just like my nephew here (sorry about the masking...have to!). Well this weekend will be snacks time. Another tedious report which i would need to get myself familiar with since this is a tough category (chips, crackers) for me as I've distance myself from it for a while (well as least the one pack a month quota still stand). It's really fattening, kay!
Anyway, with such tight schedule, I'm getting clueless of what to eat or cook for my dinner. I can't continue eating outside as it is quite expensive (than cooking myself). Furthermore, I can't think of anything new to cook and make dinner more interesting. My last few dishes has been meshes of stuff...chicken meat with tomato plus those mixed peas,corns, carrots into the pan. Anything i could find in my fridge, just take some of everything and meshes it up! Can be tasty but I'm getting so chef's block. Now i can feel the pressure my mom felt almost daily...and i do apologize for not helping her to think of the dishes to cook whenever she asked (that's because she always asked me right after my meal...I cannot think when I'm fulled).
Cook book? Nah..there are for those rich housewives with well-prepared kitchen. I'm living alone, with just a microwave, a frying pan. I'm not going to spend my time to find those difficult ingredients and remember how i failed miserably with my salmon? Can someone please get me a Jamie Olivier?!!!
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