Aiyoh! Technology...

Another week had passed and the weather for the past few days has been getting hotter, making it so unfriendly in building the Christmas mood. But no worry, you can easily create your own Christmas 'feel' right in the smack of your own home. Blast the aircond to the max, then put in a Christmas CD, then once the room temperature feels right, had yourself a glass of white wine/champange or mixer...which is basically what i'm doing right now.
It has been a week since I bought the new gadget (mentioned in my earlier entry) and while I still have yet to fully master it but I'm quite delighted by its providing music, accessing to my yahoo mail during client's meeting, getting me hooked up to Sudoku, and taking photos too...
Perhaps the only thing with such technology is its hunger for power supply. It is a very power hungry gadget...
Er...well, this entry is about nothing eventually but just to sum up my Sunday...good lunch, bad afternoon, good dinner (cooked by yours truly), good movie (the Holiday over HBO) and now, good Chrismas ambience, with a nice glass of Vodka Orange..................
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